Magic Fitting Room Mirror


Magic Fitting room mirror is an augmented reality application which is allowing the users to change their clothes virtually. AR is the trending technology that is used for most of the fields for instance: in medicine, dentistry, game, shopping…. etc.

by Van Sirwan Abubakir Aziz

The magic fitting room it's an Augmented reality-based virtual fitting system featuring a real-time try-on tool. Using a camera, the customers can try top, dress, skirt, glass… etc. The invention of augmented reality & virtual reality in shopping is one of the most substantial reasons people are going to physical stores; because of these reasons, it would never and ever be able to take the brick-and-mortar position. You're probably curious about these two technologies and how they're changing the way people shop? The answer to these questions is equipping stores with smart or virtual mirrors that allow customers to assess whether an outfit/cloth is suitable. As a result, there's no need to stand in long queues to go into the fitting rooms anymore; stand in front of the mirror and select the cloth you want to try on without undressing. The application detects the user's body shape and size then lets the user choose any item they want to try on. For this project, the best dataset is found based on real-time images, which virtually consists of the people trying on the clothes by using Unity 3D. 


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